How Military Discipline Shaped My Approach to Consulting

Quentin O. Kasseh
Quentin O. Kasseh

In the ever-changing world of technology consulting, it can be challenging to adapt to the dynamic environment. However, as someone who has transitioned from military life to the technology consulting arena, I’ve discovered that the military discipline I honed as a cadet has equipped me with a unique perspective and skill set, setting me apart in this field.

Daily Stress

One experience from my time in the military stands out as having a significant impact on my approach to technology consulting. Regardless of the weather or how we felt, our days started and ended at the same time. Some days were packed with adrenaline and stress, while others were slower, but we approached each day with the same attitude. I remember long training days on a mountain, doing fieldwork, and handling regular chores after training ended. We did these tasks because we had to, and no one else would, regardless of how we felt.

In most cases, the officer in charge would add one more thing right before the end of the last task. It was as if his goal was to kill all hope that the day would end. At first, I hated him. Over time, I learned to expect one more thing. The day isn’t done unless all work is done, and eventually, the day will be done.

There aren’t a lot of contemporary writings about military experiences and discipline that are destined for the general public. In recent years, a few stood out internationally. The retired military David Goggins and officers Jocko Willink and Leif Babin had different books and public recordings shedding the light on simple yet hard technics that are in place in most honorable military bodies worldwide. The goal of such technics, among other things, is to train the mind.

This experience instilled in me the importance of consistency and commitment, which are invaluable in the world of technology consulting. The ability to stay focused on a task and see it through, regardless of the circumstances, has become a cornerstone of my professional approach.

When I transitioned to technology consulting, I discovered that not everyone shared the same mission, and most people lacked discipline in life. The playing field wasn’t level, but I learned to adapt and utilize the skills I’d gained in the military to my advantage. By applying military-style discipline to my work, I’ve been able to overcome obstacles, communicate effectively with team members, and develop an unrivaled work ethic.

Importance of downtime

One unique strategy I’ve developed as a result of my military background is planning downtime cyclically. This involves daily activities like reading a few pages of a book and going to the gym, biweekly outings with my wife, and annual get-togethers with my military buddies. These planned breaks help maintain my mental and physical well-being, ensuring that I’m always ready to tackle new challenges.

Discipline seeps into every area of life, both personal and professional. Being the healthiest and most fit person in the room often gives me an advantage, as I’m always alert and ready to react quickly. Moreover, I’ve learned to set goals on a large enough time horizon and consistently work toward them. Just as with fitness and diet, daily action gets us closer to our goals and ultimately leads to success.

In addition to the personal benefits, my military discipline has allowed me to better serve my clients in technology consulting. By remaining steadfast in my commitment to their success, I’ve been able to deliver excellent results time and time again. My clients know they can rely on me to provide innovative solutions and clear strategies, even in the face of adversity.

Furthermore, the military instilled in me the value of effective communication and collaboration. In technology consulting, the ability to work seamlessly with others is crucial. Drawing from my military experiences, I’ve been able to create a collaborative environment where ideas are shared freely, and the best solutions are reached through teamwork.

The military discipline has fundamentally shaped my approach to technology consulting. It has taught me adaptability, resilience, and the importance of setting goals and working towards them consistently. By applying these principles, I’ve been able to overcome challenges, foster strong relationships with clients and colleagues, and carve out a successful career in the competitive world of technology consulting. The military may have been where I first learned these lessons, but their applicability extends far beyond the battlefield and into every aspect of professional life.

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